Years ago, as a freshman in college, I had the opportunity to work for the water department in my hometown. My job was pretty much a gofer position, but I learned a lot...
Communication seems like such an easy thing. You know exactly what you mean to say, and the message is crystal clear in your mind. So, what happens...Read More
When I was a kid, I remember watching Quickdraw McGraw, a goofy cartoon character (a horse, I think) with a Donkey as a sidekick. Almost every...Read More
I define self-awareness as the knowledge of one’s own strengths, weaknesses and impact others. Some management gurus take this concept to a mystical...Read More
Super Bowl XLVII featured a classic matchup between two great teams, led by two great coaches. The Harbaugh brothers have more in common than their...Read More
Some business leaders never see the business case for diversity in action. That is a shame, primarily because those leaders may never achieve their...Read More
Mistakes are a part of life for managers and employees (and every other human on the planet). Of course, mistakes usually result in something that...Read More